Tintas Ecológicas
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Tali and Friends promove sustentabilidade ensinando a criar tintas ecológicas com ingredientes caseiros, como açafrão e beterraba. Um projeto educativo e divertido que incentiva o cuidado com o meio ambiente.

Tali and Friends cares very much about the garbage we generate for the environment and especially with the material used by our students. We know that, besides kids’ security, we must set an example of how to take care of our planet and harness its resources in a sustainable way.

That’s why we invited Carol Daniele, from Arumã Brazil, to teach us how to create ecological paints, with ingredients that we h/usually ave in our homes! In addition to great fun is a project that teaches children much more than art.


Just take a look at the recipes we separate and our comments! 🙂

Turmeric (Saffron)
Urucum (Colorau)
Powdered grape
Cabbage water
Sodium bicarbonate
Beetroot water
Spinach water
Cooked carrot

Base for ink with seasonings and vegetables:
flour and salt – gives a better consistency to fix on the paper.
the ratio is 1/1 – if you make a spoonful of wheat flour, put a spoonful of salt.
the ink lasts 4 days in the refrigerator.


First, we make a liquid with the vegetables. Ex: cook the cabbage with little water and use that water that will be purple. 1/3 boiled cabbage gives a bottle of liquid.
If we add baking soda to the liquid it changes tone (Blue, greenish)
This liquid is a base to mix with flour and salt and make the paint.
The blender accelerates the process, but if you have the time, you do not have to use

  • The beetroot releases paint quickly. We can put it cut into a pot with water that soon drops the paint (do not need to peel off).

  • Urucum seed – strip the paint with alcohol instead of water.

  • The alcohol base does not need flour and salt.

    “To get the paint out of the carrot we need to use the blender, then we’ll have it.”

#EcoFriendly #SustainableArt #TaliAndFriends #KidsArt