Why we should give up on glitter

Embora o glitter seja bonito, ele é muito perigoso para a vida marinha devido aos microplásticos. Escolas e ongs estão começando a substituir por alternativas ecológicas, como o glitter sustentável.

Do you still use common glitter?

We agree: IT IS BEAUTIFUL. Bright, colorful, pure joy … However, did you know that this seemingly harmless material is actually quite dangerous to other beings and even to ourselves?


It is unanimous among scientists the damages this material has been causing to our sea life. Most of the glitter is made of microplastic, that is, plastics less than 5 millimeters in length (same size of a rice grain), particularly attractive in make-up, artwork and for the famous slime (subject that also deserves attention, but not today!), when used and discarded, they end up in the ocean and take hundreds of years to decompose.

The biggest problem? A large number of animals, such as fish, mussels and oysters, end up mistaking it with food or absorbing it with water. Sad, isn’t it? As a result, microplastics are present in our seafood and in 90% of the world’s salt brands, as researches have shown, and we still cannot measure the effects of this plastic on the human body.

The glitter that goes to the drain can damage the marine life

Schools around the whole world have already banned the use of glitter and replaced with other shiny and creative materials.

Tali and Friends, as many other schools around the world, has been trying to find out the perfect eco glitter recipe, that is, cheap, sustainable and easy-to-make. 🙂 Here’s the main recipe we’ve been using -sometimes, even mixing with homemade paint! Have you tried anything different? Let us know!

This is how sustainably beautiful glitter can look like! <3

1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of mica powder
Food coloring as wished (or vegan paint)

Mix salt & mica separately with a few drops of food coloring and let it dry for about 1-2h. Mix both and have fun! 🙂

Tali Treacher

#EcoGlitter #SustainableCrafting #ProtectOurOceans #Microplastics